Beston 500 Grit Sharpening Stone


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The Beston 500 grit sharpening stone will quickly set the bevel on a very dull or damaged knife.

It can also be used for initial sharpening of axes and other woodworking tools.

Though this is a useful addition to your sharpening kit, if your knives are in pretty good condition (nothing overly dull or damaged), you can begin with the Bester 1000 or the Imanishi 1000/4000 combination stone.

This is a thirsty water stone and benefits from a 25-30 minute soak before use.  It is also ideal if you can periodically splash this stone with water during use.

  • Full size bench stone measures 8.27 x 2.75 x 1
  • Manufactured by Imanishi in Japan

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 8.27 × 2.75 × 1 in


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