Whether it’s your hobby, your passion or your livelihood,
the tools we carry will help you get the job done
in an efficient and enjoyable way.

 We hope they lead you to a happier, more empowered life.

On a basic level, The Tool Merchants was founded to offer you: the gardener, farmer or homesteader, the highest quality hand tools to help you succeed with your work:  hands in the soil, in the forest, and in the workshop.

On a deeper level, we hope that through the use of these tools, you will feel more connected to the land under foot, the trees over head and all the elements in between that in such magical ways provide for our basic needs.

We hope that this connection leads you to an empowered and healthy life.

Most of us know the frustration of working with a cheap tool. They are often uncomfortable and inefficient at their intended task. They always seem to bend or break right when you need them, and they rarely last more than a season or two.

Once you start to look for quality tools, it can be difficult to find them, and then difficult to know which is the right tool for the job. A good tool can be expensive, and you want to know that you’re making a good decision.

Our goal is to solve these problems. Our catalog of tools has been assembled to offer you a wide range of quality tools for the unique tasks you face on your land.

We research and test these tools on our own 5 acre homestead so you can trust that you are buying a tool that will perform year after year. We also share content to help you select the right tools for the job and get the most out of them once they are in your hands.